Roster M-Z
Last First Rank Co Notes Researcher
Mace Edward Pvt B

Madgan Dennis Pvt B

Magee H. Macalla Pvt G

Mahar William Pvt B

Manley John F. Pvt A

Manley John R. Pvt M

Mann Austin Cpl D

Mann James H.C. Pvt D

Marksbury Horatio Pvt H

Marshall John Pvt G

Martin John H. Pvt G

Martin William H. Pvt K

Mason Arthur B. Pvt C Last name Masoner Beverley Masoner Shackelford
Mason Joseph C. Pvt C Last name Masoner Beverley Masoner Shackelford
Masoner Arthur B. QMstr Staff Arthur was born 1837-1838 in Bourbon Co. KY died about 1867 in possiblyRushville, IN. Brother to Joseph C. Beverley Masoner Shackelford
Masoner Joseph C. Commsry Staff Joseph C. (Campbell) was born 13 Aug. 1842 in Carroll Co. MO., sonof Pleasant Masoner and Elspa McConnell. He died 3-30-1908 in Roosevelt,Kiowa , OK. Brother to Arthur Beverley Masoner Shackelford
Mastin John W. Pvt G

Mathews John Pvt B

Mattox Emanuel Wagoner G

McAtee Richard Pvt B

McCalaway John Pvt B

McCarty James Pvt M

McCarty John Pvt M

McCauley Alfred Pvt B

McClain Jackson Pvt M

McClain Joshua Pvt M

McCollum William Pvt K

McCrea Felix G. Adjts Staff also Capt in Co G
McCrea Felix G. Capt G also Adjutant w/ Field Staff
McDermott Patrick Pvt D

McDowell Mathew B. 1st Lt K

McGee H. McCalla 2nd Lt M

McGinety John P. 1st Lt E

McGinety William A. Capt E Buried Pendleton Co, KY David Bush:
McGowing George W. Pvt K

McGowing John Pvt K

McHatton Robert P. Sgt D

McIntosh William H. Saddler E also Saddler Sgt w/ Field Staff
McIntosh William H. Saddler Sgt Staff also Saddler in Co E
McKee Elias Pvt D

McKee William Pvt D

McKinney Andrew Pvt A

McKinney John Pvt C

McLean David W. Pvt A

McMann James C. Cpl B

McMillen James Pvt E

McMillian John Pvt B

McNeeley Charles C. Maj Staff McNeely also Capt in Co B
McNeely Charles C. Capt B McNeeley also Maj on Field Staff
McQuerry John Sgt H died Greene co, IL Personal WarSketch
McTaylor Wallford Sgt C

Meachen Aleibiades C. Bugler E

Mefford John Q. Pvt E

Mefford William Pvt E

Menifee Jonas G. Pvt G

Merchant Alfred Sgt B

Merton William Z. Bugler B

Metcalfe James D. Cpl C

Metcalfe Leonidas Col Staff

Mill James M. Pvt D

Miller John G. Cpl G

Miller William Pvt B

Miller William Pvt E

Milliken James S. Pvt D (MULLIKIN) Possibly served Co. E. Buried Pendleton Co,KY also see "Monument and Inscriptions of Pendleton Co., KY" by Nagle and Ford David Bush:
Millinner John M. Pvt G

Million George W. Pvt D

Milward Charles Maj Staff

Mitchell Alvin Cpl K

Mitchell Alfred 2nd Lt K

Mitchell George Pvt K

Mitchell Hiram J. Pvt K

Moffett Thomas J. Pvt G

Moore John Sgt D

Moore Oliver S. Sgt K

Moore Riley Pvt D

Moore Roger Saddler K

Moore Volney Pvt M

Morehead Mathew Pvt D

Morelock Joseph Sgt Maj Staff also Pvt in Co B
Morelock Joseph Pvt B also Sgt Maj w/ Field Staff
Morgan Charles Pvt B

Morris Cicero Pvt E Buried Pendleton Co, KY also see "Monument and Inscriptions of Pendleton Co., KY" by Nagle and Ford David Bush:
Morris Joseph Bugler B

Morris Quiller Pvt M

Morris William E. Hosp Stwd H

Morrow Jno. L. Sgt B

Motsan George Pvt E

Motsan James Pvt E

Moulton David Pvt B

Mulair John Pvt H

Muntz Joseph Farrier D

Murphy John Pvt H

Murry Murty Pvt B

Myers George H. Pvt G

Myers Henry Pvt M

Nave James D. Sgt H

Neal John N. Cpl K

Neal William H. Sgt D

Newman H. O. QMstr Staff

Nichols Dennis 1st Lt B

Nix Edward P. Pvt C

Norris William E. Hosp Stwd Staff

North William H. Pvt C

O'Daly Patrick Pvt M

O'Doherty William P. Sgt K

Ockerman Joseph A. Cpl C

Octza John Sgt E

Oden James H. 2nd Lt B

Oden Thomas M. 1st Lt B

Oden William C. Lt Col Staff

Ogden Charles G. 1st Lt K

Oliver Argo Wagoner G

Oliver Jno. M. Pvt E

Oliver Leonard L. Sgt E

Olover Lemuel Pvt E

Orr William M. Pvt E

Owens Daniel J. Sgt M

Padgett Salam Cpl A

Page Prine Pvt A

Parsons Benjamin Pvt K

Parsons Jno. N. Cpl C

Parsons John L. Sgt K

Pearce Issac E. Cpl K

Pearce Joel Pvt K

Pedet Andrew J. Pvt E

Pedigo Joseph Pvt B

Pendricks James H. Pvt C

Perkins Edmund Farrier A

Perkins James Cpl H

Pervis James Pvt A

Peterson Forrest W. Farrier G

Peterson Peter E. Sgt G

Pettit Charles G. Pvt D

Pettit William W. Cpl D

Peyton George A. Pvt G

Phelps Louis Pvt E

Phelps Zachariah Cpl A

Pierce Curtis Sgt H """Civil War Veteren"" 1838-1922 b. Buckeye Cem, Garrard co, KY w.Emily SIMPSON"
Pierce William Pvt B

Pierce Willis Farrier H

Plumer Alexander Pvt E

Pointer Issac Pvt H

Pointer John Pvt H

Pointer Mason Pvt H died 03/28/1917 Greene co, IL
Pointer William Pvt H No dates b. Stringtown Cem, Garrard co, KY
Polly James D. Pvt E

Porter Culvin V. Pvt B

Potts James H. Sgt C

Power Richard Pvt M

Pribble John T. Pvt E

Pribble Thomas Cpl E

Price Charles S. Pvt B

Price Elihu Capt K

Price James C. Pvt G

Proctor Jeremiah Saddler A

Proctor Thomas Pvt A

Pullen Thomas Pvt G

Purcell James T. Pvt B

Rambo Phillip Pvt G

Ramey Francis M. Cpl G

Ramey Thomas B. Cpl D

Ramsey William Wagoner B

Randall John W. Pvt B

Ray James H. Pvt H Poss: 1835-1878 b. Buckeye Cem, Garrard co, KY
Rayburn Owen C. Pvt G

Raymond Alfred Pvt G

Razer Welmington Cpl A

Reaves George Pvt K

Redman Willis Pvt B

Reece Thomas M. Pvt G

Reed Allen Pvt G

Reeves Washington Wagoner A

Renfro Issac Pvt H No Dates b. Stringtown Cem, Garrard co, KY wife Mary BAKER m 12-29-59 wife Saly JOSLIN 03-11-40
Reynolds Francis Pvt D

Rice Marcus B. Pvt M

Richard Daniel Cpl M

Richards Joseph A. Pvt K

Riddle William Pvt K

Right William Pvt D

Ripple John Pvt D

Ritchey Henry Pvt C

Robbins Benjamin F. Capt E

Robert William Pvt M

Roberts Andrew Pvt K

Roberts Edwin Pvt D

Roberts James Pvt K

Roberts Merrill Pvt B

Robertson A. D. Pvt B

Robertson James P. 2nd Lt D

Robertson John Pvt M

Robey Ebenezer Pvt D

Robey James H. 2nd Lt D

Robey Jeremiah Cpl D

Rogers Barton S. Sgt B

Rogers John Pvt A

Roggers James Pvt M (Rogers)
Rollin Thomas W. Pvt E

Rose Duret Pvt B

Rose Robertson Pvt B

Ross Daniel W. Pvt B

Ross Eli J. Pvt C

Rothwell James M. Sgt H 1826-1865 b. Paint Lick Cem, Garrard co, KY
Rothwell Samuel Sgt H

Roundtree Berry Cpl G

Royce Richard J. Sgt A

Royce Samuel H. 2nd Lt A

Royse James Pvt A

Ruark Benjamin F. Pvt K

Runyon Silas R. Pvt H

Runyon William Pvt H

Russell Henry B. Sgt D

Ryon John Pvt H

Ryon Thomas D. Sgt D

Saddler Jesse T. Pvt C

Sanders Aleany Pvt E

Sanders Henry W. Pvt K

Sanders James Pvt E

Sanders Robert Cpl E

Sapp James H. Pvt K

Sapp Peter Pvt A

Sashe John Saddler G

Saucy James Pvt B

Scarbro William Pvt H

Scott John Pvt D

Scott Robert Capt G

Scott Thomas L. 1st Lt C

See James Pvt B

Self John H. Farrier M

Shankley George Pvt B

Sharp William S. Surg Staff

Sharpe John Pvt B

Shaw John Cpl B

Sheeley John N. Pvt G

Sheperd John Pvt B

Shiplet Campbell Pvt H No Dates b. Stringtown Cem, Garrard co, KY. Married to a POYNTER
Shipley Perry Pvt G

Shites Nicholas Cpl E

Shively William H. Pvt E

Shoeky Thomas P. Pvt K

Short William Pvt H

Shoush James Pvt C

Shrout Washington Pvt A

Shuter George Pvt K

Simpson Elijah Pvt H Poss: 1809-1863 b. Buckeye Cem, Garrard co, KY wife Zerelda LEAR
Simpson George Pvt H "Poss: ""Son of Mike"" d. 1904 b. Buckeye Cem, Garrard co, KY"
Sims George P. Cpl K

Sims James Saddler H

Sims John H. 2nd Lt C

Sisson George M. 2nd Lt B

Skinner Benjamin Pvt K

Skinner James W. Wagoner D

Skinner Phenis Pvt A

Smith Benjamin Pvt B

Smith Daniel K. Cpl B

Smith Harrison Cpl D

Smith John J. Pvt E

Smith William H. Sgt G

Smith William O. Maj Staff

Smoot Woodville Pvt A

Snapp John M. Pvt C

Snediger James Pvt A

Snediger William B. Pvt A

Sorrell Archibald Pvt A

Sorrell Calvin Pvt A

Sorrell Jasper Sgt M

Sorrell John Pvt A

Sorrell William Farrier M

Sparks Amos J. Pvt C

Spegle George W. Pvt E

Spillman Charles T. Surg Staff buried Paint Lick Cem, Garrard co 1820 - 1892; wife Nancy E. ARGO
Spradling Abraham W. Sgt D

Stacey George T. Capt F Recruited for 2nd KY Heavy Artillery, assigned 7th Cav, Co F, at musterout, transferred to Co H, 6th KY Veteran Cav
Stanfield Francis M. Pvt K Buried Pendleton Co, KY also see "Monumentand Inscriptions of Pendleton Co., KY" by Nagle and Ford David Bush:
Stanfield James Pvt K

Stanfield Sherwood Pvt K

Stanfield Thomas Pvt K

Stanton John S. Pvt H

Stapp Oliver P. Sgt B

Steel Clark B. Pvt M

Steele Robert Pvt M

Stephens Joseph Pvt B

Stephens William H. Sgt G

Steward Nathan Pvt D

Stewart Austin Cpl B

Stewart Henry T. Pvt E

Stewart Henry T. Pvt G

Stiehl Travis S. Sgt M

Stockdale William A. Pvt C

Stoddard David Pvt K

Stodghill Jno. S. 1st Lt B

Stone William H. Pvt E

Stover Samuel Pvt C

Strode Harvey M. Pvt K

Strong John Pvt B

Suddarth Henry J. Sgt C

Suddeth James Cpl B

Sudduth Frank Pvt C

Sullivan George Pvt D

Sullivan John Bugler G

Sullivan Sanford Pvt D

Sutton John Pvt C

Swain James Bugler M

Swim Jeremiah T. Pvt A

Swim John Pvt A

Taggart Robert Pvt E

Talboot Henry H. Sgt C

Talbott Henry H. 2nd Lt A

Tanner John Pvt H

Tappscott Uriah Pvt B

Tarry James V. Pvt E

Taylor Augustine Pvt B

Taylor Ezekiel E. Pvt M

Teats Thomas Pvt D

Tebow John Saddler M

Teel Die Cpl M

Temple James M. Pvt H

Templeton Wesley A. Pvt B

Tewell John Pvt E

Thomas James C. Com Sgt Staff

Thomas John A. Cpl C

Thompson William Pvt M

Thornton Jeptha D. Capt H

Thornton Samuel D. Sgt E

Thrasher Stephen M. Pvt E KIA b. 05/13/1846 d. 08/18/1863 Buried Pendleton Co, KY also see "Monument and Inscriptions of Pendleton Co., KY" by Nagle and Ford David Bush:
Throckmorton Mordecai Sgt G

Tilly William Pvt B

Tolsen William Pvt K

Toy Andrew J. Pvt M

Trabue John Cpl C

Trotter Augustus H. 1st Lt C

Truman John Pvt E

Tumlin Zachariah Pvt E

Turner William S. Pvt K

Underwood William Pvt K

Urton Benjamin Pvt B

Vance John Pvt C

Vanlandingham M. B. Pvt A

Vanlandingham Stuart Pvt A

Vanpelt Sanford D. 1st Lt A

Varner Jackson Pvt B

Vaughan Andrew Pvt B

Veil Jesse Pvt E

Vice Millon Pvt M

Vimont Lewis B. 2nd Lt C

Vimont Thomas J. Pvt C

Vimont Thomas T. Capt C also Lt Col w/ Field Staff
Vimont Thomas T. Lt Col Staff also Capt in Co C.
Vise John W. Pvt K

Vogan David Pvt K

Vogan Henry Pvt K

Wadsworth John S. Wagoner E

Wagamon Alason Sgt E

Waldridge Benjamin Pvt H

Walker Edwin H. 1st Lt H Poss: 1843-1910 B. Paint Lick Cem, Garrard co, KY w. Elizabeth WOODS
Walker Louis A. Pvt K

Walker William H. Pvt G

Waller Thomas H. Pvt B

Wallingford Oliver P. Pvt G

Walton Andrew Pvt A

Walton Francis Pvt A

Warford James H. Pvt G

Warren Benjamin F. Sgt M

Warren Calvin Pvt B

Warren Felix Pvt M

Warren Harvey Pvt H Poss: 1828-1906 b. Buckeye Cem, Garrard co, KY
Warren James P. Pvt M

Warren John Wagoner C

Warren Wilkins 2nd Lt M

Warren William Pvt H

Waterfield John Pvt E

Waters Charles Sgt K

Watson Detmer P. Cpl B also Adjutant with Field Staff
Watson Detmer P. Adjts Staff also Cpl in Co B
Waught Washington L. Cpl C

Webber John S. Pvt B

Webster Daniel Pvt B

Welch Dennis Pvt D

Welch James Pvt H

Welch Robert Sgt M

Wells John Pvt D

Wells Joseph Bugler M

Wells Richard Pvt M

Wells William Cpl C

Wells Woodford Pvt B

West George Pvt B

West John Pvt B

West John L. Pvt K

Westcott John L. Pvt K

Whaley Caleb S. Cpl G

Whaley John J. Pvt G

Whaley William T. Pvt G

Whalin William Pvt B

Wheeler Squire Pvt H

White Joseph R. Sgt B

White William A. Farrier C

Wilcoxen Isaac Cpl B

Willett Thomas E. 1st Lt K

Willett Thomas E. Saddler C

Williams John Pvt B

Williams John F. Cpl B

Willis Irvin Pvt B

Wilson John Farrier B

Wilson John T. Sgt E

Wilson Robert P. Pvt B

Wilson Scott C. Pvt M

Wilson Shelton Pvt B

Wilson William Farrier C

Winters Edward E. Pvt B

Wolff Solomon S. Asst Surg Staff

Woods James M. Pvt G

Workman Darlous E. Pvt K

Worsten James A. Sgt D

Worster Levi C. Cpl G

Wright Isham C. Sgt K

Wright Thomas Pvt M

Wycoff Hugh Pvt K

Yarbrough Harrison Pvt M

Yazel John Pvt A

York Coleman Sgt K

York Coleman W. Chap Staff

York Daniel R. Pvt A

Youngman James W. Pvt G